What is rehabilitation?
Rehabilitation is about enabling and supporting individuals to recover or adjust, to achieve their full potential and to live as full and active lives as possible.
Rehab should start as soon as possible to speed recovery. Research shows it can improve your mobility and activity levels, shorten the amount of time you need to stay in hospital or off work and greatly improve the quality of your life.
How can physiotherapy help?
If you require physiotherapy as part of your rehab, you and your physio will work together to:
- assess the nature and extent of your problems
- set goals with you, based on what is most important to you
- provide treatment, support and advice
- regularly evaluate how you are progressing
The general aim is to improve your strength and mobility and to find ways around any problems. For example, if you have had a fall, your physio may recommend some equipment to assist you with walking and an exercise programme to improve your balance and strength.
Rehabilitation can also help you with stamina management in the case of asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome or following major surgery.

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Bone does not remain static throughout life — it is constantly breaking down and rebuilding as part of normal bone metabolism. Two main types of cellsTrusted Source, osteoblasts and osteoclasts, participate in this process. Osteoblasts form new bone, while osteoclasts...

How can physiotherapy help?
If you require physiotherapy as part of your rehab, you and your physio will work together to:
- assess the nature and extent of your problems
- set goals with you, based on what is most important to you
- provide treatment, support and advice
- regularly evaluate how you are progressing
The general aim is to improve your strength and mobility and to find ways around any problems. For example, if you have had a fall, your physio may recommend some equipment to assist you with walking and an exercise programme to improve your balance and strength.
Rehabilitation can also help you with stamina management in the case of asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome or following major surgery.