Diabetic Foot
Foot ulcers are a common complication of poorly controlled diabetes, forming as a result of skin tissue breaking down and exposing the layers underneath. They’re most common under your big toes and the balls of your feet, and they can affect your feet down to the bones.
All people with diabetes can develop foot ulcers and foot pain, but good foot care can help prevent them. Treatment for diabetic foot ulcers and foot pain varies depending on their causes. Discuss any foot pain or discomfort with your doctor to ensure it’s not a serious problem, as infected ulcers can result in amputation if neglected.
Many Amputations Rough estimates indicate that in India approx. 45,000 leghs are amputated every year
Bad Healing Almost 75% of these amputations are carried out in neuropathic feet with secondary infection, which are potentially preventable
Lack of Medical Care From the 41 million population of diabetic persons in India, 90% do not even see a specialist in their life time.
Insufficient Knowledge Lack of trained professionals in diabetes foot care in India
Diabetic Foot is one of the most devastating chronic complication of diabetes and is the leading cause of lower limb amputation.
Diabetic Foot Lab
It is a combination of Vascular Doppler Recorder, Digital Biothesiometer, Medical Monofilament 10gm, Plantar Pressure Footscan Podiascan and IR non-contact Foot Thermometer. Main Features: India’s best all-in-one complete Diabetic Foot Lab, ABI, TBI, Doppler Velocity Waveform, VPT, Plantar Pressure, and Foot Temperature
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